All applications of students for admission to any class in the Institution should be submitted in the prescribed form soon after the declaration of the results of the preceding examination. Late applications may not be accepted. No student will ordinarily be readmitted to the Institution after an unsuccessful attempt at an Examination. As soon as the applicant is notified that admission has been offered to him/her, the full fees become payable. Until such payment is made to the Office, or allowed by the Office to be deferred in full or part, the offer of admission is liable to be cancelled. Parents or guardians have to accompany the student at the time of admission. All admissions are valid only for a year, and are, therefore, to be renewed for each year of study. Only students who have secured grades between A to G are eligible for admission to Std. XII. Students seeking admission in Std XII but who will be out of station at the time of the finalization of admission will have to seek prior admission failing which admission may be denied. Such students have to finalize their admission at a date stipulated later, after keeping a deposit of Rs. 1000/- and on payment of late fee. Fees (Pupils’ Fund, Term Fees, etc.) paid by the student at the time of admission will be forfeited in case the student withdraws his/her admission. The withdrawal of admission will be allowed provided that: At the time of applying for admission, he/she intimates in writing that he/she has also applied for, or intends to apply for admission, to any other eligible Institution that imparts instruction for Diploma or other Courses. He/she withdraws his/her application for admission in writing immediately after he/she is admitted to this Institution, or by 1st. July, whichever is earlier. In such cases, it shall be binding on the student to produce documentary proof on his being admitted there to.


To get admitted to the Higher Secondary a student has to pass Std. X of Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education or any equivalent examination with proven ability. Students who have completed Secondary Education outside Goa and have obtained certificates from the respective Board will be admitted only if there is a place and have secured a good percentage of marks. Students seeking admission to the Institution have to be present in the Institution along with their parent/guardian and first submit the application for provisional admission to the Office along with one photocopy of statement of marks of SSCE results . The admission panels will then scrutinize the application and grant admission on merit basis – final admission/waiting list. Those students on the waiting list should check the Notice Board for updates regarding the status of their admission. All students at the time of finalisation of admission have to submit to the Office:
i) Original Statement of Marks of Std. X & one photocopy.
ii) Original Leaving Certificate with one photocopy.
iii) Original Birth Certificate and one photocopy
iv) Original Character Certificate
v) Payment Receipt
vi) 3 ID card size photographs


Original Migration Certificate and one photocopy. Attested photocopy of Std. X Marksheet. Passing Certificate (one attested xerox copy) Application form for Eligibility certificate & fees of Rs. 100/- Original Leaving Certificate and photocopy endorsed by: Indian Embassy (for students joining from other countries). State Education Authorities (for students joining from other states) (N.B. A) Students are strongly advised to keep some extra xerox copies of statement of marks and Leaving certificate for any other use. Leaving Certificate, once submitted to the Office, will not be returned. B) Names on all certificates should tally with School Leaving Certificate. At the time of finalisation of admission, all students have to come accompanied with atleast one of their parents/guardian who should frequently enquire about the progress of their wards throughout the Academic Year. The students are given a Report Card after each examination for necessary follow up by the parents. The courses in the Higher Secondary School are divided into Arts, Commerce, Science and Vocational streams.


Students seeking admissions to Std. XI/ XII in Higher Secondary schools recognized by the Goa Board after passing Std. X/ XI Examinations of a Board other than Goa Board shall apply for provisional admission in this Higher Secondary School as follows:- a. Fill in the enclosed Form for application for obtaining eligibility certificates for admission to Std. XI/ XII of Higher Secondary course to be submitted to the secretary, Goa Board through this Institution in which admission is sought.
b. Submit the following original documents with their attested copies (two of each) to be enclosed along with application for Provisional Eligibility certificate.
i) Statement of marks of the last Public Examination passed (Std.X) (and Std. X and XI for admission to Std. XII).
ii) Passing certificate of the last public Examination (Std. X).
iii) School Leaving Certificate / Transfer Certificate in original with counter signature of the Education Inspector
iv) Migration Certificate in Original ( With the address of the candidate for correspondence )
v) Statement of Marks at Std. X and Std. XI (To be provided by student seeking admission in Std. XI and XII) respectively.
vi) Mark List and the Passing Certificate of his / her Std. X and XI examination and the school leaving certificate shall be countersigned by a competent authority of the Department of Education from that state.
c. Final Eligibility Certificate will be issued by the Goa Board only after producing all the documents mentioned in Column No. (b) Original documents will be returned to the candidates after verification of the Attested/Certified copies except the documents at b(III & IV). Passing Certificates issued late by the respective Boards shall be submitted to the school within six months latest by 31st Dec. for onward submission of the same to Goa Board for obtaining final eligibility.
d. Foreign Cases: The Passing Certificate shall bear the counter signature by authorities of Government Embassies or Consulates in those countries.
e. The Rate of Fees for Eligibility shall be as under which are subject to revision from time to time as per Goa Board directives. i) Rs. 100/- in case of application sent to Goa Board Office before 31st July of the Academic Year.
ii) Rs. 500/- in case applications are submitted after 31st July of the Academic Year but before declaration of Final results of Stad XI.
iii) The charges shall be Rs 1000/- if applications are submitted after declaration of final results of Std XI but before generation of seats nos of H.S.S.C.E.
iv) The charges shall be Rs 1500/- if applications are submitted after H.S.S.C.E. seats nos are generated but before declaration of final H.S.S.C.E. results.
v) The charges shall be Rs 2000/- if applications are submitted after the declaration of final results of H.S.S.C.E
f. The School shall not declare the result of such students at Std XI Examination until the Provisional or the Final Eligibility Certificate is received from Goa Board and in regards Std. XII, the status of Final Eligibility shall be informed to Goa Board for their necessary action. A student who wishes to take Science Stream has to be good in Mathematics, Physics Chemistry and Biology, much above the average.


Letter No. DE/PLG/MISC/Circular/804 dt 25/8/2008 and Letter No. DE/PLG22/Misc/PBR / 2007- 08/229 dt 31/05/2010 of Education Department.

CategorySeats Reserved


1. Students who are already in the school should apply for admission to the higher class within one week after the declaration of the results of the final examination. The Principal reserves the right to refuse admission to students whose past academic record and conduct were considered unsatisfactory.
2. Candidates coming from other schools should meet the Principal with the admission form duly completed.
3. Student having to answer supplementary examination for remaining absent for the final exam on medical ground will have to clear Std. XI exams failing which their examination forms will not be forwarded for the Goa Board Examination.
4. A Student will be eligible to appear for the H. S. S. C. examination of Goa Board at the end of the second academic year provided that :
i) He/She passes class XIth
ii) Keeps two terms in the second academic year.
iii) Completes the prescribed course successfully.
vi) Completes the practicals / investigatory project / assignments regularly.

Admission Fees

Students are not required to pay any tuition fees. However following amounts are required to be paid at the time of admission to the class. These rates are subject to changes by the Directorate of Education, Panaji Goa.

Schedule of fees

The rates of the fees are revised as under by the Directorate of Education vide their circular no: DE/GTA-II/MISC-18/98-99/988 & Acad/Misc/141/2012(4)/465 When deferment of payment of fees is permitted by the Principal, the payment will have to be made within the prescribed time, failing which the student will have to pay a fine of Rupees five only per week.

Fees Description Rs. Arts XIArts XIICommerce XICommerce XIIScience XIScience XIIVocation XIVocation XII
Term Fees 150150 150 150 150 150 150 150
Library Fees20 20 20 20
Pupil's Fees200200 200 200 200 200 200 200
Sports Fees2525 25 25 25 25 25 25
P. T. A. Membership1010 10 10 10 10 10 10
Examination Fees110110 110 110 110 110 110 110
Goa Board Enrolment Fee75 75 75 75
General Deposit100 100 100 100
Laboratory Fees 150 150 100 100
Laboratory Deposit 100 100
Total Fees 690495 690 495 900 645 890 595

Refund of Fees

All fees paid by student at the time of admission shall be refunded after deducting Rs. 10 only as administrative charges if the student leaves within a month from the date of reopening of the school for the academic year to join the professional courses. No fees will be refunded if the stu-dent leaves the school after one month.

Instructions to the parents / Guardians at admission

They should come personally with the students for the admission. They should visit the Principal at least once in a term They should keep a close watch on the behaviour and the study habits of their wards. They should collect the progress report of their wards after each exam/test. They should encourage their wards to participate in co-curricular & extra curricular activities. Problems if any may be discussed personally with the Principal. They should attend meeting of Parents teachers association and make valuable suggestions.